We are an experienced
team of financial experts

Message From Founder
Fortunately, I was inspired to break away from the industry norm and developed a philosophy and methodology to help clients make smart choices about their money and their life so they could achieve their goals in a way that fulfils their values, regardless of the current economic cycle. It’s called Values-Based Financial Planning. The by-product is a high-trust client relationship. It’s a long-term relationship of mutual respect and honour on a genuine desire to help and a process that creates a predictable result.
Our philosophy requires that the client relationship be developed upon a foundation of trust with a singular focus on the Clients’ values and goals. We focus on helping our Clients establish BALANCE in their lives, experience ACHIEVEMENT of their goals, and do so in a way that maintains the INTEGRITY of their values. In turn, this will bring Balance, Achievement and Integrity to our clients personal life which they deserve.
The Client’s experience is dramatically improved:
Clients are presented with an environment that centres upon learning about their goals and values that drive their goals
Clients are provided with a simple, understandable synopsis of their current economic position
Clients are presented with a simple, consistent process for measuring their progress toward their goals
By delegating the responsibility for developing a coordinated financial plan to a Financial Professional, Clients are able to:
o Simplify the financial planning process
o Minimize their risk o Redirect their time toward improving the quality of their lives; and
o Be secure in the comfort that an entire Deliverables Team is there to support them both during the process and at times of need to “Bringing Fullfilment To Life”
Our Team

Mr. K. Gunasegaran
Founder & Managing Director
ChFC, CLU, ChIFP, RFP, CMSRL / B0136 /2009
Mr Gunasegaran is a Senior Associate Partner, Principal Consultant in Wealth Street Sdn Bhd, and independent Licensed Planning Firm by Securities Commission Malaysia. A qualified and licensed practising Financial Planner, he has 14 years of vast experience in Personnel & Corporate Risk Managementin the Financial Sector.
He helds a Chartered Financial Consultant(CHFC), a Chartered Life Underwriter(CLU) from Malaysian Insurance Institute in collaboration with American College of USA and a Registered Financial Planner(RFP) by the Malaysian Financial Planning Council(MFPC). Having spent the last 5 years in research, development and application of Investment planning for high complex client, he has developed his forte in Family Office model as the key component in preserving their hard earned wealth. Upholding his philosophy “Putting Family first” he has dedicated his practise to family wealth with the ultimate objective of ensuringtheir family members are well protected and that the family wealth is further preserved, accumulated and passed on from generation to generation. A regular speaker he has been invited by many in the financial services fraternity and he conducts frequent public awareness and educational talks on the area of financial planning, investment and family office for high complex individual.